Case Study: Creekside Condominium

Case Study Creekside Condominium DISPUTE RESOLUTION Need Generate pragmatic & unifying courtyard planning policy quickly within a 165-unit complex. Outcome Resolving the

2021-11-30T07:19:06-07:00January 10th, 2017|Comments Off on Case Study: Creekside Condominium

Case Study: Gen Squeeze

Case Study Generation Squeeze IDENTIFYING MEMBER PRIORITIES Need Identify an optimal package of member benefits, among 36 potential initiatives Outcome An actionable

2019-10-28T06:07:10-07:00December 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Case Study: Gen Squeeze

Case Study: Municipality of Gibsons

Case Study Municipality of Gibsons COMMUNITY-LEAD PLANNING Need To foster transparency and gauge levels of public support for an upcoming Official Community Plan

2020-10-05T22:21:24-07:00December 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Case Study: Municipality of Gibsons

Case Study: Capital Regional District

Case Study Public Infrastructure Consultation CAPITAL REGIONAL DISTRICT Need To foster transparency in the process of gauging sentiment and levels of public support

2021-11-30T07:28:00-07:00December 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Case Study: Capital Regional District