London Climate Case Study
Gaming the system to fight climate change How do you get community members to engage on an issue as complex and polarizing as climate change? Ethelo and the City of London, Ontario, came up
Gaming the system to fight climate change How do you get community members to engage on an issue as complex and polarizing as climate change? Ethelo and the City of London, Ontario, came up
Including 25% of Residents in Community Energy and Emissions Planning When the Northern Ontario Township of Billings and the Municipality of Central Manitoulin Island set out to create their Community Energy and Emissions Plans
Okotoks builds consensus and a better environmental master plan When the Town of Okotoks set out to create its new Environmental Master Plan, the team knew they needed a better way to engage their
Including residents in a conversation about the future of water Hunter Water provides water and wastewater services to over half a million people across Australia’s Greater Newcastle region. Community engagement is a critical component