
Masterclass #1

Better Presentations
to City Council

with Andrea Reimer

Become a Better Presenter in Five Days, for Less Than Ten Minutes a Day

If you work in local government, you know that the all-important presentation to City Council can make or break your pitch or proposal. In this Masterclass series, you’ll get access to five short, daily videos to help you improve the design, narrative and delivery of your presentations.

Listen along as engagement expert and former Vancouver City Councillor Andrea Reimer teaches practical tips for outstanding presentations, every time.

Masterclass Overview

Why Take the Masterclass?

  • Get the fundamental tips you need to inform, engage, and impress City Council at your next presentation.
  •  Learn practical advice from a teacher with over a decade of experience in evaluating and delivering presentations within local government.
  • Learn about designing for clarity and flow, narrative and storytelling, visual presentation, and skillful oral delivery. 
  • Get links to additional resources and report-building tools.

Who Should Take the Masterclass?

Whether you’re already a master presenter looking to refresh your skills, or are someone who needs to start at the basics, this masterclass is designed for local government staff who want to bring more effective presentations to City Council.

Team leaders who want to build a roster of excellent presenters will also benefit from sharing this series with their team.

Start Now!

We know you’re busy. That’s why classes are only 5-10 minutes, sent to your inbox every day for five days to be watched whenever you’re available – even if that’s the night before a Council meeting.

Day 1 - Who's In the Room?

“Councillors are like a box of chocolates” – unless you do your research, you never know what you’re going to get.

Before you start preparing your presentation, you’ll need to know who you’re talking to and how to attract their attention. 

Day 2 - Nailing Down the Narrative Arc

Once you know your audience and what they want to hear, learn how to organize your presentation to provide crystal-clear context and clarity, from beginning to end.

Day 3 - Make your presentations a pleasure to look at

Good news: you don’t need to be an ace graphic designer to design slides that Council actually looks forward to viewing. Discover design shortcuts, tips for data visualization, and recommendations for making even the text-heaviest look good.

Day 4 - Make your presentation a Pleasure to Listen To

Now that you’ve crafted your flow, narrative, and design, it’s time to drive it home with engaging delivery. Learn strategies for public speaking, identifying your star presenters, and helping your team become more comfortable in front of Council, even during virtual meetings.

Day 5 - Expect the unexpected

Good news: you don’t need to be an ace graphic designer to design slides that Council actually looks forward to viewing. Discover design shortcuts, tips for data visualization, and recommendations for making even the text-heaviest look good.

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