Case Study: Vancity Credit Union – Grantmaking2021-11-30T07:41:21-07:00

Case Study

Vancity Credit Union


Long Case Study Try Demo


To shortlist promising grant applications most aligned with Vancity’s objectives


20% in time-savings to identify a shortlist of grantees, grounded in focused team-member insights

It’s not easy to allocate a $400,000 grant among 50 leading organizations playing critical roles in food supply. Add to the challenge the coordination of 11 judging panelists evaluating over 105 supporting-documents. Vancity’s team of food experts deployed Ethelo to streamline its 2-stage ‘EnviroFund’ assessment process. The platform brought structure and cohesion to a complex evaluative discussion of over 38K potential scenarios, saving around 12 hours of in-person meeting time. After a first experience in 2015, Ethelo is being used again for the same purpose in 2016.

Ethelo made the face to face grant decision meeting proceed quicker, saving the team approximately 15 hours of in-person meeting time. A lot of the groundwork was completed before the grants decision meeting. This left more time for confirmation of the final decision between committee members and an opportunity to bring up anomalies and discuss budget allocations. 

Louise Pochalio
Community Investment Specialist
Vancity Credit Union